Career & Training Services
The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board serves a five-county region on Maryland's Eastern Shore, including Caroline, Dorchester, Kent, Queen Anne's, and Talbot Counties.
Our mission is to provide Career and Training services that will lead to employment that is relevant and supportive to the local five-county economy. We are committed to assisting employers by offering in-demand training options designed to qualify individuals for careers in the region.
The Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board shall provide the highest quality workforce services to the five-county UPPER SHORE area, allowing opportunity for advancement to workers of all ages and skill levels, and meeting the current and future needs of local employers.
The USWIB is part of the National American Job Center network, which is composed of high-performing, results-oriented workforce organizations that invest in communities with employment and training strategies, providing resources to employers and job seekers, and sustaining and growing the local economy.
Daniel Schneckenburger, Executive Director
Dan Schneckenburger is the new executive director of the USWIB. Dan has a B.S. from the University of Delaware and is a former elected official (Vice President, Cecil County Council, MD).
Dan was formerly with Career Source Tampa Bay where he realigned the business services group to serve six industry sectors, including manufacturing. He built alliances with statewide manufacturing groups and workforce consortiums, which brought employers and educators together to discuss challenges, innovation, and partnering opportunities. He also worked to provide short-term trainings to individuals looking to change careers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Dan served ten years on the board of directors for the Susquehanna Workforce Network, a WIB that serves Harford and Cecil counties.
USWIB is governed by a board of directors representing all five counties and a variety of industries, with at least 51% from the private sector. Board members are appointed by the local county governments and serve a term of three years.
Mailing Address
Upper Shore Workforce Investment Board
P.O. Box 8
Wye Mills, MD 21679
Tel: (410) 822-1716
TDD: (410) 822-9164
Email: wib@chesapeake.edu
The USWIB Office is located at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, MD
For information about scholarships, job opportunities, and training programs, please visit UpperShoreJobCenters.com.